For this month's puzzle, we've taken a few images that when sounded phonetically, reveal a cacao-inspired word.
Good luck!
Yes! You are correct! Mutt + tot + Chocolate Rain's Tay Zonday. The metate is a rotating stone grinder that develops chocolate flavor and reduces the particle size.
Try again! Starts with an 'm' and has three syllables.
Yes! You are correct! Winnowing (win + no + wing) is where we separate the husk from the more tasty cocoa nibs. With air, we can separate the lighter (less desirable) husk from the heavier cocoa nibs that we use to make chocolate.
Try again! Starts with an 'w' and has three syllables.
Wow. Good job. This was the trickiest one! Bicolore (also bicolor) is a type of Theobroma and a close cousin to Theobroma cacao. Learn more here.
Try again! Starts with an 'b' and has two (sometimes three) syllables.