Considering another treat or two for Valentine's Day?
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with hand-crafted bonbons, freshly baked chocolate macarons, and more.
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with hand-crafted bonbons, freshly baked chocolate macarons, and more.
inspired by poetry (as interpreted by Nicholas)
inspired by William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Oberon: Yet marked I where the bolt of Cupid fell. …
Nodding to A Midsummer Night’s Dream’s impish Puck character, our nut-fruit-floral praliné and caramel “Puck” introduces the Collection’s theme: expressing various aspects of love through chocolate.
inspired by Walt Whitman, O You Whom I Often and Silently Come
… Little you know the subtle electric fire that for your sake is playing within me.
O You Whom I Often and Silently Come describes the first moments of falling in love; the poet knows he’s infatuated, but is too shy to speak. Our gentle almond praliné offers a welcome into the world of confectionery, while the delicate spice of piment d’espelette whets the appetite for more ...
inspired by Ovid, Metamorphoses
… and her hair became as moving leaves; …
Metamorphoses’ Daphne and Apollo embody the beauty of tragic love. When Apollo ends his pursuit as Daphne is transformed into a laurel tree, Apollo does not despair; rather, he makes bay laurel his personal symbol. Here, fresh bay laurel-infused passion fruit ganache sparkles with lively, evocative flavor.
inspired by Lord Byron, She Walks in Beauty
… Where thoughts serenely sweet express, How pure, how dear their dwelling-place …
Love, in She Walks in Beauty, is an ideal fully realized: peaceful and fulfilled. The importance of darkness and light pervades. This Bonbon features dark chocolate and golden, fragrant, honeysuckle-honey caramel accented by viognier wine.
inspired by Catullus, Poem 85
I hate and I love. …
Catullus’ Poem 85, written for his lover, whom he calls Lesbia (a pseudonym for the married, patrician Clodia) conveys that love is not always happy — which makes for gorgeous verse. Our sherry-vinegar caramel and sour-cherry ganache form a wonderful, sour-sweet symmetry.
inspired by Ina Coolbrith, excerpt from Longing
… A grass-blade fanned across my hand, Would thrill me like a lover’s touch.
Ecstasy in experiencing the natural world is an essential aspect of love. Composed by a San Franciscan, Longing evokes the spiritual fulfillment many find communing with nature. Fragrant lemon caramel and thyme-infused ganache taste of bright hope, and earthy contentment.
inspired by Gertrude Stein, excerpt from Sacred Emily
Rose is a rose …
Sacred Emily in a way reflects Shakespeare — and accepts things for what they are. Flowery words and the rest are unnecessary. Love is love. Rose-scented Costa Esmeraldas, Ecuador chocolate allures and comforts, in a rich ganache tablet meant for melting. Simply whisk with hot milk, and savor with your valentine.
Head Chocolatier Nicholas Bonamico, with Assistant Head Chocolatier Dillon Zell, runs Dandelion’s Confections program; their small team produces our Single-Origin Collections, Single-Origin Chocolate Nut Spreads, and seasonal confections by hand. Nicholas takes inspiration from the abundance of locally grown California produce to create elegant confections that tell a story. His ultimate mission is to honor and showcase the farmers and producers behind each ingredient, through origin-focused, indulgent "mementos" to savor.
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